Prime Kids Ltd Pre-school

Our Curriculum

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the statutory framework for Early Years education in England, to prepare children for school and to lay a strong foundation for their futures.


EYFS recognises the child at the centre of practice; the child’s connections within the family, communities, cultural and natural world; the need to consider the child’s physical, social and emotional well-being, health and learning; and the child’s rights as member of society under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

4 principles of EYFS

    • Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and who can be resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured.
    • Practitioners observe children to understand their development and learning, assess progress, plan for and act on next steps; support babies and children to develop a positive sense of their own identity and culture; identify any need for additional support; keep children safe; and value and respect all children and families equally.
    • Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
    • We provide a warm, loving, and responsive relationship where children feel respected, comforted and supported in times of stress, and confident that they are cared for at all times. Babies and children become attached with the key person which helps the child feel known, understood, cared about, and safe.
    • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time.
    • We create an environment that values all people, and their development and learning; and makes self-regulation manageable, structured in a predictable way that is physically and emotionally safe for children to explore and take risks without unnecessary stressors.
    • Children develop and learn at different rates across the Prime and Specific areas of development and learning; they foster the characteristics of effective early learning by playing and exploring, active learning, and thinking creatively and critically.
    • We teach self-regulation skills through modelling, suggesting strategies, providing frequent opportunities to practice, and scaffolding to support children to use self-regulation skills. It is important for children to develop the ability to regulate their emotions, thoughts and behaviour to enable them to act in positive ways toward a goal.

– 3 Prime areas: Communication and Language, Physical development, and Personal, Social and Emotional Development

– 4 Specific area: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding The World, and Expressive arts and design.

2-year-old progress

When your child is aged between two and three, the key adult will review his/her progress, and provide you with a short-written summary of your child’s development in the prime areas. This progress check is to identify the child’s strengths, and any areas where the child’s progress is less than expected.


If there are significant emerging concerns, or an identified special educational need or disability, the key person and the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) will discuss with you to develop a targeted plan to support the child’s future learning and development involving other professionals as appropriate. We will ensure we obtain your consent prior to sharing information directly with other relevant professionals.

Transition into settling

We recognise the importance of continuity between home, key adult and the setting that make up your child’s individual learning journey. Every child will be offered transition period depending upon their ability to cope with changes. We understand some children are particularly more vulnerable at times of transition and we will ensure that the child is supported effectively by providing additional time and opportunities to make the necessary readjustments to the changes ahead, and where their emotional development and well-being is prioritised.


At the points of transition, it is valuable to discuss all the perspectives of your child’s needs with us, including those who have worked with your child such as other practitioners, speech therapists, and other health and educational specialists. This will help to plan for your child’s needs more effectively.

Partnership with parents

It is important for us to work with you in partnership to help your children to thrive in their learning and development the most. Parents have a very significant impact on their children’s learning, and having a strong and respectful relationship between the parents and our staff will support the children in a more effective and holistic way.

Our Policy

Click the button below to download our policy.