Prime Kids Ltd Pre-school

About Us

Why us?

We are dedicated individuals who are very committed to providing the highest  quality Childcare. Our priority is keeping our children in a safe environment where they can explore and learn.

Our Philosophy and Inspiration

Our philosophy is grounded in the child-centred approach and play-based learning, which advocates creative thinking to developing critical thinking. Friedrich Froebel (a German pedagogue, founder of kindergarten) believed that PLAY is essential for children’s development and a powerful contribution to children’s well-being and learning.


According to the Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, 2021), ‘’Play has the role of building confidence as children learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults’’.


We offer a flexible learning environment that adapts to each child’s interests and needs, and provide a wide range of different types of play and activities. We believe that children will go extra mile when they are provided with constructive activities and play opportunities in holistic way.


We have adapted many other learning theories from Piaget, Vygotsky, Steiner, Montessori and Reggio Emilia that are deeply embedded in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Piaget found ‘Schemas’ that children learn from repeated play actions independently, while Vygotsky and Montessori emphasised adults’ role to guide, model and teach the children to develop their learning.  Steiner and Reggio Emilia encourage a creative and natural learning environment with open-ended resources. They believed that providing children freedom to explore and express themselves will enhance their cognitive thinking.

   ‘’ The child is made of one hundred. The child has a hundred languages a hundred hands a hundred thoughts a hundred ways of thinking of playing, of speaking.’’

(Loris Malaguzzi, funder of Reggio Emilia)